Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wrestlemania XXVIII Preview: Will You Still Call Me Superman?

An entirely too lengthy dime-store psychoanalysis of the main event of the WWE's biggest show of the year (and some other stuff), following the jump.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

2012 MLB Preview: NL Central

Perhaps no division in baseball is as interesting this year as the NL Central. The top three teams all underwent some changes during the off-season, and the Brewers and Cardinals both lost their biggest bats. So that would, in theory, mean that the way is paved for the Reds to ride right to a division title. Of course, in theory…

Even the bottom half of the division adds some interest. The Cubs have begun their rebuilding process, and the Pirates are slowly pushing out of theirs. Shoot, even the Astros will be interesting, at least in their challenge of the 1962 Mets for the worst 162-game record in MLB history (technically speaking—the Mets only played 160 due to cancellations. If you want to get picky, the 2003 Tigers hold the record with 43 wins). 40 wins people, that’s the mark.

In the interest of time and boredom, I’ve pared the list down to two misconceptions if not outright delusions Spring Training may give the fans of each team (and that’s being generous for the Astros—I don’t think anyone has any delusions about that team). Let’s get started by going to the outhouse—it’s a long way down, and someone (Ed Wade) left an awful mess down there…

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Sweaters - Prologue

This is not a jersey, it is a hockey sweater!  Why is it called a hockey sweater and not a jersey?  Back in the early days of the NHL players really did wear sweaters, the kind any of us would wear on a cold day.  Many of the original sweaters had stripes or bands of different colors much like a barber pole.  Nowadays, yes the hockey sweater is much more like a jersey than a sweater.  The relatively new Reebok Edge sweaters utilize the latest technology to wick moisture away from players.  But more importantly than anything else, I think hockey sweaters are the greatest uniforms in sports.

2012 MLB Preview: AL East

Let’s start off with the TITAN~! of baseball, the New York Yankees. And their equally majestic rivals, the Boston Red Sox. And three other teams. </ESPN>
I’ll keep this brief and list each team in reverse order, with a few delusions and realities about each team. Follow me after the jump...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Busted - a Story of Heartache and the NCAA Tournament

Awful, horrible, busted! Those are just a few words that describe what happened to my NCAA basketball brackets. It didn't take long either. After the 1st Round (officially the second, but who really counts those play-in games?) I realized I had no hope of winning. I was at the bottom of my office pool only barely hanging on above a co-workers children. Yes, my 10 minutes of effort on the morning of the tourney had failed me. My one shinning moment, almost predicting the biggest upset in NCAA tourney history. But alas, Syracuse hung on to beat UNC-Asheville. How sad is it that the best thing I can say about my bracket is that I almost predicted an upset? It is a cruel game we play.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Confessions of a Sox Fan

I have a confession to make, but let me first start with some background.  I have been a White Sox fan as long as I can remember. Which is quite odd considering when I was growing up, my family for the most part were Cubs fans.  For some reason though, I gravitated towards the Sox and really have not had much interest in the Cubs.    So this confession may come as a shock to my family and friends...I am more interested in seeing what happens with the Cubs this year, than the Sox!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The legend of Tim Tebow

You have undoubtedly heard that Tim Tebow was traded this week from the Denver Broncos to the New York Jets.  This is coming on the heels of the Broncos acquisition of former Colt and future Hall of Famer Peyton Manning.  While the replacement of Tebow with Manning would seem like a no brainer to most people, most importantly Broncos VP John Elway, it set of the ire of the "Tebowites".

Friday, March 23, 2012

Music to the ears

I am interested to know what radio shows and podcasts my fellow contributors endulge in, and with any luck maybe we accumulate some followers who also would like to throw out there suggestions of listening material that they find entertaining.

2012 MLB Predictions--You've Been Warned.

…hey yo.
It’s going to be interesting, assuming this fledgling blog survives, to look back at these early days and see how the writing and opinions changed and evolved. After all, that’s one of the best (and worst) things about growing up. Many, many shows, books, movies, and songs deal with the concept of “if I only knew then what I know now.”

An Introduction

Salut, je m'appelle Wayne. But you can call me Wane. Gerg!! has invited me to contribute to his blog, and I jumped at the opportunity. I fancy myself as a writer, although to say I have any particular skill beyond that of a senior in high school might be overstating the matter. Still, I am moreover an avid consumer of the written word, mostly that of periodical and Internet form.

Marshall accuser in hiding

Christen Myles, the woman who accused new Bears wideout Brandon Marshall of punching her at a nightclub, has gone into hiding.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Matt Forte needs to stop whining

You may have heard today that the Bears signed ex-Raiders running back Michael Bush to a 4-year $14 million deal.  After the failed signings of Chester Taylor and Marion "Don't Run Out of Bounds" Barber, I say kudos to new Bears GM Phil Emery.  Bush has proven that he is a solid backup who can play in this league and start games when he is called upon.