Thursday, March 22, 2012

Matt Forte needs to stop whining

You may have heard today that the Bears signed ex-Raiders running back Michael Bush to a 4-year $14 million deal.  After the failed signings of Chester Taylor and Marion "Don't Run Out of Bounds" Barber, I say kudos to new Bears GM Phil Emery.  Bush has proven that he is a solid backup who can play in this league and start games when he is called upon.

Shortly after the signing, current Bears running back Matt Forte issued this statement through Twitter "There's only so many times a man has done everything he's been asked to do can be disrespected!  Guess the GOOD GUYS do finish last..."

Matt?  What the hell are you talking about?  The Bears have offered you a long term contract with $14 million guaranteed.  You refused to accept that thinking you deserved more.  So the Bears did exactly what they are allowed to do (as negotiated by your union) and placed the franchise tag on you.  All that means is that they have to pay you almost $8 million for this upcoming season.  Not too shabby!  They are also, by all indications still working to sign you to a long term deal.  Where is the disrespect??  Because they went ahead and signed your backup before they signed you?  I applaud the Bears, they are doing what is necessary to build a team to contended.  They obviously know that Marion Barber is not the answer as backup, so they had to make a move.  You Mr. Forte are looking childish, while the Bears look like they actually know what they are doing for a change.  The wrong answer would have been to sign Forte to a big money long term deal that he is looking for.  Running backs in the NFL do not hold the same value they once did.  Look at the teams who have won the Super Bowl in recent years.  You would not say that those running backs were upper echelon.  Good? Yes, but not great.  Meanwhile you have teams like Minnesota and Tennessee, signing big contracts to their running backs and those players getting injured or having sub-par years.  The trend of the NFL is moving away from the Walter Paytons and Barry Sanders.  It is a passing league and it looks like the Bears are finally realizing that.

So Forte, stop your whining, show some class by saying its great to have a new teammate that will help you on the goal to win the Super Bowl and go get ready for the upcoming season.  You know, that season the Bears are paying you $8 million to show up for!

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