Friday, March 23, 2012

2012 MLB Predictions--You've Been Warned.

…hey yo.
It’s going to be interesting, assuming this fledgling blog survives, to look back at these early days and see how the writing and opinions changed and evolved. After all, that’s one of the best (and worst) things about growing up. Many, many shows, books, movies, and songs deal with the concept of “if I only knew then what I know now.”

I guess that’s my roundabout way of saying “I’m about to say things that will probably look real stupid one day (yeah, awkward, but I’ve got to leave room to show how much better 2015 Andy is at this).” In order to be able to look back at things, they have to exist in the past. And as much as I wish it wasn’t the case, my memory is not a reliable narrator in these things. Sure, I can SAY that as a 6-year old I looked at my MLB logo-magnet chart and picked the Detroit Tigers to win the World Series, but really, who would know (or care) either way? All you’ve got is my word.

Well, nuts to that. I’ve never been unwilling to make myself look stupid. And this is no different. So coming up I’m going to make some predictions about the upcoming MLB season. After all, we’re still in the haze of Spring Training. Every team (well, almost every team. Sorry Astros fans) can point to some aspect as a cause for hope. Sure, the Pirates will be, um, not-so-good this year, but they had a good run the 1st half of last year, and they have Andrew McCutchen, who is ready to have a breakout season, and there’s more young talent on the way. Yeah, the Mariners are the dregs of the AL West, but they apparently traded Michael Pineda’s cousin Steve for Jesus Montero, a lineup-changing bat. Justin Smoak could still put it together, and sooner or later Chone Figgins won’t be batting leadoff. In fact, HE WON’T EVEN BE ON THE TEAM ONE DAY. True story.

So it’s time to separate the delusion from the reality. Or at least try to. After all, delusion by nature appears real. These predictions are for entertainment purposes only—and what’s more fun than looking back and laughing at my foolishness? Nothing, that’s what. Let’s rock and roll.

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