Friday, March 23, 2012

Music to the ears

I am interested to know what radio shows and podcasts my fellow contributors endulge in, and with any luck maybe we accumulate some followers who also would like to throw out there suggestions of listening material that they find entertaining.

As for myself, just about every day, my appointment listening is that of local sports radio, but I throw in a bit of non-St. Louis radio and some national radio for fun. I have been ridiculed mercilessly by friend and foe for being a fan of The Herd with Colin Cowherd on ESPN Radio. I also listen to The Bernie Miklasz Show and The Fast Lane on the St. Louis ESPN affiliate, which can be found at When I'm in the area, or within reach of radio signals, I try to listen to 670 The Score and ESPN 1000 in Chicago.

As for podcasts, I am trying to be a regular lister to ESPN's Fantasy Focus Baseball. I also have been known to listen to ESPN 1000's Talkin Baseball, if for no other reason to whet my occasional thirst for baseball talk from back in Chicago. And I have been intending honestly, but embarassingly unsuccessfully, to give a listen to the podcast of our good friend Bradley Rohrer and his podcast Agree to Disagree.

So, gents, I ask you. What do you like to listen to? What's the most valuable in exchange for my efforts to track it down?


  1. I listen to ESPN's Baseball Today podcast, although to be honest, I really only enjoy the episodes with Keith Law (generally Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday).

    As for radio, the only sports show I make it a point to check out is Boers and Bernstein on WSCR 670, as well as the random shows that are hosted by B&B producer Jason Goff, who is a hoot. Most of the other sports radio shows I've heard are just awful.

    My non-sports listening generally consists of comedy podcasts, and my favorite is The Flop House, a show about bad movies. Seriously, check this out.

  2. I have to agree with Mike, Boers and Bernstein on the Score is the real deal. They have no problem dealing with the typical meatball caller and making a complete full of them. I also try to catch Lawrence "Don't Call Me Larry" Holmes.
