Sunday, March 25, 2012

Confessions of a Sox Fan

I have a confession to make, but let me first start with some background.  I have been a White Sox fan as long as I can remember. Which is quite odd considering when I was growing up, my family for the most part were Cubs fans.  For some reason though, I gravitated towards the Sox and really have not had much interest in the Cubs.    So this confession may come as a shock to my family and friends...I am more interested in seeing what happens with the Cubs this year, than the Sox!

Now let me make it clear, I am not rooting for the Cubs over the Sox. I am just intrigued by what is going on over on the North Side.  The additions of Theo Epstein and Jed Hoyer, the rebuilding of a team from the bottom up, including philosophy all make for an interesting story. Not to mention Ricketts battle with the City/State to get Wrigley rebuilt. From the drawings that I have seen, the rebuilt Wrigley Field looks pretty cool.

It doesn't help that the White Sox have gone from the controversy a minute manager in Ozzie Guillen to the mundane Robin Venture.  Yes there are some story lines that will come out of Sox camp.  Will Adam Dunn bounce back from his historically bad season of last year?  How long will it be until Jake Peavy breaks?  There are a few more story lines (that I will be discussing in a future White Sox preview), but they just aren't all that interesting.  The Cubs are just the more interesting team this year.  What can I say I love a good story!

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